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Covid-19: Africa passed 50,000 dead barrier

This Wednesday, Africa passed 50 thousand deaths due to covid-19, with 321 more deaths in the last 24 hours, and the total number of infected with the new coronavirus in the continent is 2,092,279 people, according to official data.


According to the African Union's Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the total death toll is 50,296 and the new coronavirus has infected an additional 11,356 people in the organization's 55 member states in the past 24 hours.

The number of recovered in the same period was 13,669, for a total of 1,771,334.

The largest number of cases of infection and deaths are registered in Southern Africa, with 866,977 infections and 22,704 deaths from covid-19. In this region, South Africa, the most affected country on the continent, accounts for a total of 772,252 cases of infection and 21,083 deaths.

North Africa is the second most affected area by the pandemic, with a total of 699,885 people infected and 18,549 dead.

In East Africa, there are 258,514 cases and 5011 fatalities, in West Africa, the number of infections is 202,591, with 2,848 deaths, and Central Africa has 64,312 cases and 1184 deaths.

Egypt, which is the second African country with the most fatalities, after South Africa, registers 6573 dead and 113,742 infected, followed by Morocco, which counts 5469 fatal victims and 331,527 cases of infection.

Among the six most affected countries are also Algeria, which records 77,000 infections and 2,291 deaths, Ethiopia, which accounts for 106,591 cases of infection and 1,661 fatalities, and Nigeria, with 66,607 infected and 1169 dead.

In relation to African countries that have Portuguese as their official language, Angola has 338 deaths and 14,742 cases, followed by Mozambique (127 deaths and 15,231 cases), Cape Verde (104 deaths and 10,400 cases), Equatorial Guinea (85 deaths and 5137 cases), Guinea-Bissau (43 dead and 2422 cases) and São Tomé and Príncipe (17 dead and 981 cases).

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