Ver Angola


Pandemic covid-19 led Government to review national climate change strategy

The covid-19 pandemic led the Government to reassess the National Strategy for Climate Change 2020-2035, revealed this Tuesday the National Director for Environment and Climate Action, Giza Gaspar Martins.


"The covid-19 pandemic gave us the opportunity to redefine our processes, to review and realign our budget and priorities, and to revisit decisions taken," he said during the second day of Forum Angola, organized by the Royal Institute of International Relations Chatham House.

The main objective of the Government's strategy, he explained, is to introduce "climate considerations" into decisions made about economic and social investments in the country.

The head of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment was speaking at a panel of the event, held by videoconference, which discussed the development of a "green economy" in Angola.

Gaspar Martins referred to projections of an increase of 1.5 degrees centigrade and a decrease of 2 millimeters of monthly precipitation by the end of the century in Angola, where there are already "signs of changing climatic parameters.

According to Allan Cain, director of the non-governmental organization "Development Workshop" in Angola, data collected in recent years point to a worsening of problems such as water scarcity and drought, tropical storms and associated flooding and soil erosion.

Given that a large part of the population moved to coastal cities during the civil war, Cain warns of the risk of a rise in sea level putting many homes at risk.

"Those responsible for urban planning in Angola should consider adaptation to climate change as part of their strategy. Risk maps are essential," he said.

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