According to Angop, besides the shepherds there are four security guards of a private company, who provide service in the condominium where the shepherds of the IURD live.
Last week, the security guards tried to appease a disagreement between members of the church, due to the impediment of access to one of the condominium residences.
The defendants, who are accused of having assaulted and insulted the commander of the Talatona squadron, began this Monday to be heard, and the hearing of all the pastors was concluded. Three of them denied all the charges.
The UCKG has been involved in several controversies in Angola since November of last year, after a group of dissidents withdrew from the Brazilian leadership, and tensions were heightened in June of this year with the taking of temples by the reformist wing, meanwhile constituted in a Commission for the Reform of Angolan Pastors, with an exchange of mutual accusations regarding the practice of illicit acts.
The Angolans, led by Bishop Valente Bezerra, state that the decision to break with the Brazilian representation in Angola, headed by Bishop Honorilton Gonçalves, faithful to the founder Edir Macedo, was due to practices contrary to religion, such as vasectomies, chemical castration, racism, social discrimination, abuse of authorities, in addition to the evasion of foreign currency abroad.
The allegations are denied by the UCKG Angola, which in turn accuses the dissidents of "xenophobic attacks" and aggressions to shepherds and also brought legal proceedings against the dissidents.
Following investigations carried out by the Angolan judicial authorities, in September, the closure and seizure of all the UCKG temples in Angola was ordered - 211 buildings were closed in Luanda alone.