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New Luanda airport starts receiving passenger flights on November 10

The new Luanda airport will begin operating passenger flights gradually, starting November 10, and should complete the process of transferring domestic and international flights by March 31, 2025.


An executive decree, signed by the Minister of Transportation, establishes phases 2 and 3 of the transfer of passenger flights from the current 4 de Fevereiro International Airport to the new Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN), with November 10th, the eve of the holiday marking Angola's independence, being the official date for the start of the process.

The national air carrier TAAG must begin passenger flights on this date, while other companies will be able to carry out the transfer gradually until the deadline.

The AIAAN, which cost around three billion dollars and began construction in 2013, opened on November 10, 2023 and has the capacity to receive up to 15 million passengers per year, a traffic volume five times greater than the of the current airport.

The old airport, built in 1954, was known as Presidente Craveiro Lopes Airport until Angola's independence, when it was renamed 4 de Fevereiro International Airport, and should start receiving 'charter' flights and other types of activities such as aircraft maintenance and training of human resources.


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