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Governor asks the President of the Republic for a solution to floods in Cuanza Sul

This Tuesday, the governor of the province of Cuanza Sul asked the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, to resolve the problem of flooding, which in recent floods caused 64 deaths and the destruction of more than 2000 social facilities.

: Facebook Presidência da República - Angola
Facebook Presidência da República - Angola  

Mara Quiosa gave a portrait of the province at the meeting led by the head of state, who is celebrating his second day of work in that region this Tuesday.

According to the governor, the implementation of the flood control project in Cuanza Sul is of an emergency nature, so as not to have "that photograph" recorded in the province in the months of March and April again.

"In the last floods we had 64 deaths, more than two thousand houses and other social equipment damaged. We essentially need to solve the problem of flooding here in Sumbe", said the governor, who has been in office since last July.

According to Mara Quiosa, the project's scope of work would include the construction of macro and micro drainage ditches and the desilting of the Cambongo River, which overflows when it rains and floods the entire surrounding area.

The project should also include the construction of dikes, as well as the stabilization of Sumbe's slopes, affected by rainy weather.

Since Monday, the head of state has been visiting Cuanza Sul, having visited different infrastructures in the province, inaugurating the region's new General Hospital, called Raúl Diaz Arguelles, in honor of this Cuban citizen and all the others who helped Angola in the early post-independence times.

"We wanted to not only pay tribute to himself as a person, but to all the Cuban fighters who shed their blood, lost their lives here in Angola over many years," he said.


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