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ITEL students become runners-up at the World Robotics Championships in Singapore

Second place in the World Robotics Championship "Fast Global Challenge 2023", was achieved, in Singapore, by the Angolan team, which included students from the Telecommunications Institute (ITEL), who recently finished the Medium Technical training courses at the institution.

: Sebastião Jorge (Via: Facebook Instituto De Telecomunicações - ITEL)
Sebastião Jorge (Via: Facebook Instituto De Telecomunicações - ITEL)  

These young people showed "their skills" in the fields of electronics, mechanics and programming, forming part of the "team that brought pride to the Angolan nation", reads a statement from ITEL.

According to the statement, the team included Joaquim Junior André João, Marcos Agostinho Viegas Zeca, Luís da Silva, Clevânio Clemente, Edmilson Marques and Marcos Manuel. According to the note – to which VerAngola had access – the two former institute students Joaquim and Marcos made a significant contribution to achieving 'silver', with Joaquim taking on the role of competitor and Marcos as the team's mentor.

With this achievement at a global level, the country consolidated itself "as the main nation of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) and SADC" in the aforementioned competition. In addition, the achievement of first place in the 'Social Media World' category reflects "the positive impact that this victory is having on social networks, further increasing Angola's international recognition in the field of robotics", reads the statement.

It should be noted that the team was received at the airport by ITEL's deputy pedagogical director, representing the institute's general director.

In the statement, Arotec, a "pioneer startup in the promotion of robotics" in the country, is highlighted, as well as congratulated for encouraging this "technological segment in the academic community of Angolan youth".

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