Ver Angola


Executive wants to increase Biocom's sugar production capacity and is ready to invest

The Government intends to increase Biocom's production to ensure self-sufficiency in sugar production in Angola. According to João Lourenço, Biocom is meeting around 40 percent of the country's sugar consumption needs. However, the goal is "to work to earn 20 percent more", so that, in the coming years, it can cover around 60 percent of the country's consumption needs in sugar, says a government statement received by VerAngola access.


Speaking this Thursday on the subject of his two-day working visit to Malanje, the head of state added that achieving this goal will require investment, both in the countryside, with the expansion of cultivation areas, and in the industrial part, especially in agricultural area.

According to the Chairman, the company's shareholders are committed to this objective and the necessary financial resources will be obtained in collaboration with banking institutions. "Investors always have to resort to banks in order to carry out their projects. I believe that banks will be open to this step that is intended to be taken," he said.

Furthermore, João Lourenço highlighted the possibility of attracting other private investors interested in establishing agro-industrial units similar to Biocom in other parts of the country, especially in provinces along the Benguela Railway, which would facilitate the transport of products for commercial ports.

"To be self-sufficient in sugar production, the 40 percent that will be missing, perhaps, justifies that other private investors are interested in investing in an agro-industrial unit like Biocom, somewhere in the country", he said.

The PR mentioned provinces such as Bié, Moxico, Benguela and Huambo as potential locations for these investments and emphasized the importance of not only meeting domestic needs, but also seeking export opportunities.


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