Ver Angola


Angola Oil&Gas starts this Wednesday with oil ministers from five countries and multinationals in the sector

Oil ministers from five countries and heads of the main organizations and multinationals in the sector will come together, starting this Wednesday, in Luanda, for the Angola Oil&Gás conference, focused on the themes of energy security, decarbonization and sustainable development.


In addition to the head of the host country, Diamantino Azevedo, the holders of the hydrocarbons, petroleum and mineral resources portfolios of Equatorial Guinea, who also presides over the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Senegal, Republic of Democratic Republic of Congo and Venezuela.

The leaders of the world's largest oil companies, such as Total, BP and Chrevron, also present, will discuss decarbonization strategies and global trends in the upstream production sector, as well as investment opportunities to counter the decline in production in Angola.

The mobilization of capital to develop infrastructure, especially refineries, will be addressed by those responsible for financial institutions and investment funds and there will also be a session dedicated exclusively to women in the sector.

Optimizing gas potential in Angola is another highlighted topic, taking into account the role of this resource as transition energy.

Over the course of these two days, several agreements will also be signed, including one between Azule Energy (which associates BP and Eni in Angola) and the state oil company Sonangol, for decarbonization initiatives, and another involving Ambipar and Kini Energias, relating to the installation of an industrial unit of waste suction equipment.


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