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AIPEX registers more than a hundred private investment projects valued at one billion dollars

Since January this year, more than 100 private investment projects have passed through AIPEX, the implementation of which will begin in 2024. The Angolan Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency has already done the math, and these hundred proposals are valued at more than one billion dollars.


The announcement was made by the PCA of AIPEX, Lello Francisco, who said that these are projects aimed at the tourism, industry, energy and water and health sectors, which will contribute to the development of the economy, generating a total of more than five thousand jobs.

The official was speaking to the press after a meeting in Huíla, saying that the objective is to continue promoting private investment in the country, which is fundamental for Angola's development.

He also mentioned that the institution he heads continues to provide institutional support to investors, through the Single Private Investment Window, a platform where the agency and investors work together to resolve obstacles that present themselves as obstacles to investment.

Quoted by Angop, Francisco Lello also addressed the importance of reducing the reaction time for public services requested by companies, a way of promoting the business environment, taking into account the bureaucracy found in public administration, which conditions investment.


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