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Angolan Zito Luvumbo confirmed at Cagliari will line up in the main Italian championship

The Angolan Zito Luvumbo signed a contract with the Italian club Cagliari. The contract, which amounted to 800 thousand euros, foresees that the player receives a salary of about 50 thousand euros.


The terms of the contract have not been disclosed, writes Angop, stating that the 1.º de Agosto athlete will play in the first Italian league, where the Angolan Bastos Quissanga also competes, who lines up for Lazio.

The athlete, who is only 18 years old, will receive about 50 thousand euros in salary.

The extreme right has caught the attention of some great soccer clubs: Mancherter City and West Ham, in England, the Brazilian Flamengo, the French Lille and Monaco, the German Leipzig, among others.

The extreme stands out for its shooting ability, dribbling and speed. In the Under-17 World Championship, held in October 2019 in Brazil, several scouts had their eyes on the Angolan.

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