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Carlinhos impresses Young Africans fans and raises stadium when making his debut in Tanzania

Although he only trained twice after being at the service of Young Africans SC of Tanzania, Angolan Carlinhos was applauded by fans in his debut game.


In the presentation of the squad for the season 2020/2021, at home, the Tanzanian club beat Aigle Noir, of Burundi, by 2-0. The surprise of the game was the Angolan Carlinhos, a former Interclube player.

After delivering only nine minutes to the end of the match, the national player found enough time to make three shots, one of which with the ball in the air and without reception, leading the stadium - completely full - to delirium and raising spectators from chairs.

The 25-year-old is playing as a midfielder, having graduated from Petro de Luanda schools.

His move to Young Africans SC was highly valued by supporters, who received him in apotheosis, in a way "never seen before" in the club's history, the local media reported last week.

Carlos Guimarães do Carmo, known as Carlinhos, has a contract with the Tanzanian team for two seasons. Trained by Serbian Zlatko Krmpotic, the club was second in the country's first football league last season.

The Angolan will have to assert himself before two other players who fulfill the same position. They are Haruna Niyonzima, a 30-year-old athlete from Rwanda, and Feisal Salum, a Tanzanian, 22, says Angop.

The championship in Tanzania will start on the 6th of September, and Carlinhos' team will face Tanzania Prisons in the first round.


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