Ver Angola


TAAG reinforces flights on regional routes with greater demand from September

As part of the development of the network and reinforcement of frequencies in preferred passenger destinations, TAAG will incorporate more flight frequencies to Cape Town, São Tomé and Brazzaville, from 2 September.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

Following the development of the 'Hub Luanda' and with the intention of reinforcing the company's strategic positioning as a link between the continent's nations, TAAG will reinforce - from September 2nd - flight frequencies for regional routes with greater demand in the market, namely Cape Town (South Africa), São Tomé (São Tomé and Príncipe) and Brazzaville (Republic of Congo).

Thus, flights to Cape Town increase from seven to nine weekly frequencies, with twice-daily departures on Wednesday and Saturday and daily departures on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and also on Sundays.

On the route to São Tomé, there are now three weekly frequencies (one more than before), leaving on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Finally, the connection to Brazaville has another weekly route, increasing the company's weekly frequencies to two. Departures take place on Wednesday and Sunday, exclusively during the day.

In parallel with the increase in frequencies, the national airline introduced flights on new days of the week on non-daily routes, also redefining departure and arrival times and adjusting the days of operation.

In a statement sent to VerAngola, the company says it will improve connectivity and continuity in passengers' travel plans, ensuring greater flight availability, increasing connecting/stopping flights between services and reducing waiting time on connecting flights.


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