Ver Angola


More than 300 teachers will reinforce technical and professional education

There are more than 300 teachers who will support the development of technical education and professional training subsystems in the country. The announcement was made by Edson Barreto, director of the President's Staff Office, who informed that the introduction of the teachers is part of the Technical Education and Professional Training Revitalization Project (RETFOP).

: UNICEF Angola/2024
UNICEF Angola/2024  

Edson Barreto said that Angola is one of the few countries in Africa "that has an institutionalized and fully functioning national qualifications system", demonstrating the "importance that the Government attaches to the issue of improving and qualifying the national human capital", according to a government statement to which VerAngola had access.

The official was speaking at the end of the second ordinary meeting of the Interministerial Commission for the Implementation of the National Staff Training Plan (CI-PNF), which took place this Monday, under the guidance of the Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, and where the members gave the green light to the 2024 Operational Plan of Angola Human Capital (ACH) 2023-203, which foresees the implementation of action programs, namely technical-professional education, professional training, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, teacher training, training in public and municipal administration, and entrepreneurship.

For this year, the statement adds, the activities of the operational plan are divided into three categories: conducting studies, drafting and approving legal diplomas and also implementation activities on the ground.

"With the aim of mobilizing and involving public and private institutions in the materialization of the project, the meeting approved the Angola Human Capital (ACH) Communication Plan 2023-2037", the note reads.

In addition, the committee, which is responsible for managing the "system of analysis, monitoring, evaluation and presentation of results of the implementation of the National Training Plan", was also informed about the "process of registering the ACH Operational Plan 2023-2037, for the year 2025, in the General State Budget proposal of the different sectors for the period in question, aiming, among others, to achieve a greater absorption of students outside the national education and teaching system".

The CI-PNF is also responsible for ensuring the "coordination and promotion of cooperation between the various institutions with responsibilities in the areas of education, teaching and staff training".

The Ministers of Economy and Planning, Territorial Administration, Public Administration, Labour and Social Security, Education and Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, as well as the Secretary for Economic Affairs, the Secretary for Social Affairs of the President of the Republic and the Director of the Office of Staff of the President of the Republic are part of this body.


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