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Industry Portal becomes a reality. Industrialists can now provide data and those who do not do so may lose their license

The Industry Portal is now available. Recently launched by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, this portal aims to collect information to update the database of licensed industrial units operating in the country. Therefore, manufacturers must, as of this Thursday, start making their company data available on the platform, and are subject to sanctions, including suspension of their license, if they fail to comply with this publication.

: Facebook Ministério da Indústria e Comércio Angola
Facebook Ministério da Indústria e Comércio Angola  

According to a statement from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, to which VerAngola had access, manufacturers must provide a series of data to the regulatory authority on a monthly basis through the portal, which was launched last Tuesday.

"Industrial companies must start making their institutions' data available on the Industry Portal, starting on August 8th", informed the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

The regulatory authority also warns that manufacturers who do not share this information on the portal will be sanctioned, with the loss of their license being one of the most serious sanctions.

"Failure to comply with the aforementioned obligation will subject the company to the application of sanctions such as deprivation of rights to subsidies or benefits granted by public entities, suspension of the operating license or operating title, as well as the closure of the establishment and facilities, provided for respectively in paragraphs a), b) and c) of article 51 of Presidential Decree No. 180/23, of 30 August, to the detriment of the application of another sanction and corresponding fine that may be determined under the terms of article 54 of the same legal instrument", reads the ministry's statement.

The same warning was given by the Secretary of State for Industry, Carlos Manuel, who says he hopes that the portal's 'feeding' will be done voluntarily.

"Industrialists should start feeding the portal. We hope that this process will occur voluntarily, because we are talking about industrialists, they are reputable people, but there will be consequences for those industrialists who do not feed the portal on a monthly basis as planned", he stated.

"One of the sanctions, which is the most serious, could be the suspension of the industrial license," he added, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

According to the Secretary of State, the main purpose of this portal is to monitor the country's industrial park.

"The purpose of the Industry Portal is essentially to effectively monitor our industrial park. We face a major challenge today due to the lack of reliable statistical data regarding industries," he said.

According to the ministry, industrial operators must provide, through the portal, data such as "type of industry, location of the industrial unit, capital structure, company NIF, installed capacity, effective production capacity, number of employees, sales volume, prices, EBITDA and the result of the financial year, with the last two being provided at the end of each financial year".

"Industrial operating companies must provide information on a monthly basis, with the exception of EBITDA and the result of the financial year", explains the ministry, which adds that the "referenced data are, after due processing, made available on the National Production Portal, for permanent public consultation".

Quoted in the ministry's statement, António Kizeidioko, director of the Information Technology Office, explained that industrialists who have "the license issued by the Industrial Activities Licensing System (SILAI) do not need to register again, as they already have their SILAI access and users to access the Industry Portal".

However, anyone who has difficulties accessing the portal can get in touch via email (

Between January and April, the State exempted more than 40 billion kwanzas from the industrial sector

During the first four months of this year, the State allowed exemption on the import of raw materials from the industrial sector, worth more than 40 billion kwanzas, as part of the incentives for the country's production.

According to the Secretary of State for Industry, quoted by Angop, half of the more than 40 billion kwanzas exempted relate to the beverage subsector, while chemicals represent 20 percent, 13 percent are food and metal and equipment assembly correspond to six percent.

The official – who clarified that these exemptions arise following an exclusivity certificate issued by the ministry – also reported that, last year, the State disbursed 850 million dollars, of which a quarter (25 percent) was earmarked for exemptions, worth more than 144 billion kwanzas.


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