Ver Angola


Girabola starts with the same format and without the professional football league

The next edition of the national football championship will keep the same format, with 16 teams and still without the implementation of the professional league, the members of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) decided on Saturday.

: Kindala Manuel
Kindala Manuel  

In the communiqué released after the meeting, the members guaranteed that the professional League will be implemented, but after all the legal conditions have been fulfilled.

"As soon as the legal requirements are fulfilled and the Ministry of Youth and Sports recognizes the professionalism of football, subsequent steps should be taken to comply with the implementation process of the future League, based on football legislation in Angola", reads up on the note.

In July, the vice-president of the Angolan Association of Football Clubs (ANCAF), João Lusevikueno, publicly guaranteed that the professional football league in Angola would start, for the first time, in September this year.

The same Ordinary General Assembly of the FAF also recommended that an in-depth study be made of the changes in the dispute of the Angolan championship qualifying for Girabola, with the emergence of a third division, next season.

The national football championship starts in September.

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