Ver Angola


Media regulator suspended former adviser to secret services

The Regulatory Entity of the Angolan Social Communication (ERCA) deliberated “exceptionally” the suspension of the counselor Carlos Alberto, due to the fact that he was a member of the State Information and Security Services (SINSE).


The resolution came out of a plenary meeting held this Wednesday, at which the said information was made public, confirmed publicly by Carlos Alberto.

Last week, after photos of Carlos Alberto's SINSE cards were posted on social media, the ERCA journalist and adviser confirmed that he had been part of this state body in the past.

For ERCA, “in view of the urgent need to clarify this situation”, which allegedly puts Carlos Alberto “in an ostensible and insatiable incompatibility” with the law that governs that institution, it was decided that “exceptionally” all its activities are suspended "Until it clarifies this situation in a convincing and official way".

In reaction to the decision, Carlos Alberto announced through social networks that ERCA is aware that the invitation to join the institution was made by the leader of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), Adalberto Costa Júnior.

According to Carlos Alberto, the president of ERCA, Adelino de Almeida, asked him to justify his past at SINFO / SINSE, “in full meeting of the Board of Directors” for having publicly assumed that he actually belonged to “Angola's secret services in the recent past” .

Carlos Alberto argued that the ERCA Law does not question the past of any director, unless he is a criminal.

“If we are to question the past of each ERCA member, we will realize that Carlos Alberto is not the only one who belonged to Angola's secret services. There are advisers at ERCA who were from DISA (Information and Security Directorate of Angola) and others who were (or still are) from BRINDE (National Defense Brigade), UNITA secret services ”, he accused.

The ERCA counselor asked "why are they not questioned at a Board meeting" and "who is afraid of the presence of a former intelligence officer at ERCA".

“What are you hiding? There are so many former intelligence officers who are in prominent positions in the various branches of the state. Why nobody questions that ”, he reinforced.

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