Ver Angola


Radio LAC becomes part of the DStv channel grid

DStv decided to add Rádio Luanda Antena Comercial (LAC) to its channel grid. The inclusion of the radio took effect on Monday, August 3rd.


In a statement sent to VerAngola, DStv indicates that LAC Radio will be "available to subscribers to all DStv packages, at position 893, along with other audio channels".

"With this addition, DStv sees its radio channel grid enriched with great entertainment and information programs", indicates the document.

Assad Kondakji, Multichoice's client manager, considered LAC to be "one of the public's favorite stations in Luanda," noting that its subscribers "who do not live in Luanda now have an opportunity to listen to LAC along with other national stations and be much better informed and entertained.

"It is a great satisfaction for us to be able to facilitate access to quality content for our subscribers," he added.

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