Ver Angola


Growth of diplomatic and economic relations with Angola highlighted by the USA

The growth of diplomatic and economic relations with Angola was highlighted by the United States of America (USA). The highlight was expressed by Mary Emma Arnold, minister counselor of that country's embassy in Angola, this Thursday, when she spoke on the third day of the Luanda International Fair (FILDA), dedicated to the USA.

: Facebook do Ministério da Economia e Planeamento
Facebook do Ministério da Economia e Planeamento  

On the occasion, the official stressed that growth enables the production of results for both countries, having also indicated that her country's partners, whose emphasis lies on Chevron and Exxon, generate tens of thousands of jobs in Angola, writes Angop.

Noting that there are companies operating in various fields, generating clean energy, technology, among others, in Angolan territory, the official also took the opportunity to point out that she was present at the signing of the agreement that the government of her country wants to finance in the amount of 250 million dollars, says Angop.

The official also made reference to the Lobito corridor, considering that it is one of the most relevant projects that the country has.

It should be noted that the United States of America is a newcomer to FILDA, which runs until this Saturday in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE), under the motto "Digital Economy – The new frontier of the world economy".


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