Notice n.º 5/23, of 29 June, of the National Bank of Angola (BNA), applies to exchange bureaus, microfinance financial institutions, credit cooperative societies, credit guarantee societies, leasing societies finance companies, microcredit companies and payment service providers.
Non-banking financial institutions may increase share capital through the issue and subscription of new shares, incorporation into share capital of legal reserves, free reserves or results for the year, provided that they are audited, and others permitted by law.
The notice determines 100 million kwanzas for financial assignment companies and the same amount for financial leasing companies, 50 million kwanzas for exchange bureaus, 1 million kwanzas for cooperative credit societies and 5 million kwanzas for microcredit societies.
Exchange offices authorized to carry out value remittance services must adjust their share capital to 70 million kwanzas.
On the other hand, companies providing payment services must set up special reserves to reinforce equity or cover losses that the profit and loss account cannot support.