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TAAG estimates losses of 280 million dollars this year

TAAG expects to make losses of 280 million dollars this year due to the fact that passenger flights are still suspended because of the covid-19 pandemic. The estimate was made by the company's CEO, Rui Carreira.


The responsible, who was speaking at the end of the meeting with Exagilna Gambôa, President of the Court of Auditors, explained that the fact that the carrier had been obliged to cut flights by 65 percent compared to the travel programme stipulated before covid-19 and had suspended several travel routes, are the main reasons for this loss.

Cited by Angop, Rui Carreira said that TAAG is at the same level as the other airlines in the world, which have also recorded significant losses due to covid-19.

For the time being, the company's objective is to reduce operating costs and try to balance the accounts.

He ruled out the possibility of redundancies for the time being, saying that TAAG is doing everything it can to prevent this from happening.

The meeting between the court and TAAG served to explain to the court what arrangements the company used to buy Canadian aircraft.

In this regard, TAAG's ECP stated that the second Dash 8-400 aircraft should arrive between the first and second week of August. The rest are not due to arrive until the end of the year due to the constraints imposed by covid-19.

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