Ver Angola


Man dies in a fire set by hunters in Kwanza Sul

A man was burned to death following a fire caused by supposed hunters in Muenga commune, Libolo municipality, Kwanza Sul province, the second case recorded in three days.


Witnesses cited this Thursday by Angop, told that the incident occurred when the 39-year-old man tried to rescue his mother, who was at a point on the farmland where the flames were heading, having been lost in the smoke.

According to the witness, the victim died at the scene and the mother emerged unharmed from the fire.

On Sunday, another fire caused by poachers in the commune of Cabuta, municipality of Libolo, left several families homeless, and the perpetrators of the crime are already in custody, who are going to summary trial.

The practice of burning is more intense at this time until September, both for hunting and for agriculture.

It should be remembered that last year, an action of this type caused a fire on farms in the municipality of Quibala, which also resulted in the death of three people.

The forest fires in Angola occur for hunting, charcoal production and cultivation, and in 2018 the country was listed by NASA with the highest number of fires, including ahead of the Brazilian forest in the Amazon.

In response, at that time, the Ministry of the Environment reported that the practice of burning is natural at that time of year in various regions of the country, due to the approaching agricultural season, a secular practice that is "far from assuming uncontrollable proportions.


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