Ver Angola


Benguela: scorpion stings kill 12 people in 562 registered cases this year

Twelve people died from scorpion stings in a total of 562 cases in the first half of this year in the municipality of Baía Farta, Benguela province, the local health authorities reported.

: Lusa

According to the local municipal health director, Artur Domingos, the lack of basic sanitation in the communities is one of the reasons for so many scorpion attacks.

The responsible considered expressive the number of deaths for bites of this animal, "because many people believe in beliefs", preferring to resort to traditional treatments instead of going to hospital for medical assistance.

"Many families only go to hospital centres after trying to treat themselves with traditional medicines and cannot find a solution. Therefore, after the situation gets worse they go to the medical post and, unfortunately, most of these cases end in death", said Artur Domingos, quoted by Jornal de Angola.

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