Ver Angola


Angola with one more death and 30 new covid-19 infections

The country registered one death and 30 new covid-19 infections this Tuesday, which since March totals 779 cases and 30 deaths, the Secretary for Public Health said this Tuesday.


Franco Mufinda said that an Angolan citizen, 57 years old, who was being followed at the Military Hospital, had died.

The newly infected, 24 men and six women, are aged between 14 and 93 and are all from the province of Luanda, where the epicentre of the pandemic is located.

Franco Mufinda, expressing concern about the growth in the number of cases in recent days, called for compliance with measures to prevent the pandemic of the new coronavirus, including the use of a mask, hand washing, no violation of the health fence and avoid agglomerations.

According to him, the trend in covid-19's projections for the country points to an increase in cases in the coming months, "which could happen if the population continues to fail to observe good attitudes", recommended daily by the authorities.

"If we observe these measures in the right direction, we will be able to observe the flattening of the curve, we will have a reduction of cases, the opposite could lead us to an increase of cases and lead to chaos in our health system, which 'per se' deals with the management of other endemics, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS and the growth every day of chronic non-communicable diseases", he said.

The country now has 221 recovered, 528 active cases, 14 of which are in critical condition, under mechanical ventilation, three requiring haemodialysis.

The laboratory has processed 2721 samples, 30 of which have been positive and to date there has been a backlog of 51,191 processed samples, including 769 positive.

In Africa, there are 15,418 confirmed deaths in more than 736,000 infected in 54 countries, according to the most recent pandemic statistics on the African continent.

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