Ver Angola


In one week, more than 80 farmers registered on the National Production Portal

In order to make known their production, 83 farmers registered on the National Production Disclosure Portal (PPN) during the week of May 24th to 28th, thus joining the 12,720 national producers already registered.


The information was provided by the Secretary of State for Planning, Milton Reis, this Tuesday, at the biweekly briefing to publicize the actions carried out under the Program to Support Production, Export Diversification and Import Substitution (PRODESI).

Milton Reis informed that the province of Huíla has 2173 registered producers, Bié 1587, Huambo 1580, Malanje 1290, Luanda 1016, Cunene 805, Benguela 640, Cuanza Norte 583, Lunda Sul 545, Cuanza Sul 518, Bengo 427, Uíge 329, Cabinda 258, Zaire 241, Namibe 237, Lunda Norte 230, Cuando Cubango 128 and Moxico 133.

As for the production sectors, 6953 cereal producers, 5582 pulses and oilseeds, 5575 roots and tubers, 4599 vegetables, 2183 fruits and 892 related to the food industry are registered in the PPN.

Producers in the agriculture sector registered in the PPN are 708, fisheries 596, industry 303, tourism 177, construction 199, hygiene and cleaning 120, natural resources industry 104, beekeeping 72, salt production 50, glass industry 24 and those in the textile industry , clothing and footwear 24.

Regarding the crop, there are 6521 corn producers registered in the PPN and 5072 for beans, 1311 for bananas, followed by 771 producers of soy, 677 of citrus fruits, 392 sugarcane, 358 rice, 329 cacusso, fishing maritime 288, coffee 316, eggs 218, avocado 187, oil palm 42 and five cotton producers.

In the week in question, three new requests for funding were transferred to the Bank, of which two to BFA and one to BIC, bringing to 98 projects under negotiation under PRODESI.

Of the 98 projects, 72 are in line with Notice 10/20 of the National Bank of Angola (BNA), 24 with the Credit Support Program (PAC), one with the Deutsche Bank Credit Line and the other with Presidential Decree 98/20.

In a statement that VerAngola had access to, Milton Reis informed that the instruments and financial products available to PRODESI made it possible to approve 783 projects, with a forecast to generate approximately 50 thousand jobs.
Approved projects amount to 612.7 billion kwanzas, of which 453 billion correspond to 236 projects approved last year, and 65.7 billion to 33 this year, under Notice 10/20.

Deutsche Bank's credit line provided 82 billion kwanzas for three projects in 2020, and 41.4 billion were spent under Economic Relief Measures.

The PAC supported 19 projects with 34.3 billion kwanzas and other commercial banking instruments and financial products financed three projects with a total value of 574 million kwanzas.

Regarding the distribution by sector, Milton Reis stated that since 2019, 357 projects had been approved for agriculture, commerce and distribution 226, processing industry 116, livestock 30, aquaculture 24, marine fishing 25 and continental fishing five.

At the level of each province, 170 projects were approved in Luanda, Benguela 61, Huambo 58, Huíla 49, Cuanza Sul, 43, Cuando Cubango and Bengo 40, Bié 38, Uíge 36, Lunda Sul and Malanje 32, Cunene and Namibe 30, Cabinda 28, Lunda Norte 25, Zaire and Cuanza Norte 24 and Moxico 23, totaling 783.

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