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Social Security raised 28 billion kwanzas in March

The payment of contributions in March this year allowed the National Security Institute (INSS) to raise 28 billion kwanzas.

: José Cachiva/Angop
José Cachiva/Angop  

According to the director of the INSS, Hugo Brás, the taxpayers' debt was reduced in the first quarter of this year: initially, the taxpayers owed about 48 billion kwanzas to the social security, however, about 34 billion kwanzas were paid, and the debt fell to 14 billion kwanzas.

The official, who was speaking on the TPA's Grande Intervista programme, said that in April, due to covid-19, there was a reduction of 26 billion kwanzas and that in May the fall was 21 billion kwanzas.

"The INSS has been flexible in its negotiations with debtors, because without a labour market there are no contributions. The default of companies cannot always be sized because they often do not pay for extinguishing the work contracts or for not having the means to pay", he said, quoted by Angop.

Hugo Brás also explained that the INSS has in force the Exeptional Debt Regularization Regime that serves for taxpayers to join and pay their late contributions.

However, if taxpayers do not make the late payments, the next step is to move on to enforced collection, where the debtors' assets are pledged as a guarantee of payment of the debt.

Over 184,218 taxpayers, 146,843 pensioners and over one million insured persons are registered with the INSS. The person in charge appealed to domestic workers to register with the Social Security, indicating that for the time being the institute has only 4897 domestic workers registered.

The director of the INSS also made it known that in the first quarter of the year around 30 thousand pensions were suspended for lack of proof of life and revealed that the social security system foresees in 2021 to be able to carry out this proof digitally through facial recognition.

"We were conducting a pilot digital proof of life from January of this year, which would run until December, but due to the pandemic we had to stop. In January 2021 we will make the application available," he said.

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