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National Police need an additional 20,000 staff to strengthen security in the capital

In order to guarantee the proper functioning and public security in Luanda, it is necessary to recruit a further 20,000 personnel for the National Police, revealed Waldemar José, spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior.


According to the official, public safety in Luanda is currently ensured by 20,000 police officers. However, taking into account the number of people living in the capital - about 10 million - Waldemar José admits that it is necessary to double that number.

However, the spokesman for the Interior Ministry complains of a lack of funds to combat this failure: "It is public knowledge that 93 per cent of MININT's budget is for salaries only. It is not that there is no will of the Executive. The truth is that there is no money to pay salaries to other agents who would be recruited," said the official, quoted by Angop.

Waldemar José, who took stock of police activities between May 26 and June 25, said that part of the police are currently monitoring compliance with the rules against covid-19 and that another part maintains the usual functions of patrolling and ensuring public safety.

Given the lack of human resources, the spokesman called on citizens to comply with measures to combat the new coronavirus, pointing out that several people are not following the rules.

Emphasizing that people should avoid social gatherings and parties, Waldemar José gave the example of the case of Kilamba residents who held a public party with music and alcohol consumption.

Waldemar José pointed out that in the last month alone, the authorities have closed 146 night-time entertainment venues, prevented 107 collective sports activities, banned 17 religious activities, banned 11 funerals for excessive numbers of people and closed 642 street markets. It also said that more than 200 people have already violated the sanitary fence placed in Luanda and that 3000 people have been arrested for disobedience.

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