Ver Angola


Government will spend 1.8 billion kwanzas on 20 new vehicles for the National Traffic Council

The Vice-President of the Republic authorized the purchase for 1.8 billion kwanzas (around 2.3 million dollars) of 20 vehicles to support employees of the National Road and Traffic Planning Council (CNVOT).


Esperança da Costa is also coordinator of the CNVOT, President João Lourenço's consultative body on matters relating to Road and Traffic Planning at Angolan level.

According to the announcement of the opening of an electronic dynamic procedure, made public this Thursday, the global value for the acquisition of the vehicles includes VAT (Value Added Tax) of 14 percent and will be guaranteed by the amount entered in the General State Budget ( OGE) 2024.

The estimated value of the contract is 1.8 billion kwanzas and the vehicles must be purchased in five lots.

A first batch of nine vehicles worth 1.1 billion kwanzas, a second batch of four vehicles worth 330 million kwanzas and the third batch of four vehicles worth 206 million kwanzas. The fourth lot includes a vehicle worth 75 million kwanzas and the fifth and final lot contains two vehicles worth 99 million kwanzas.

The procedure, which involves the conclusion of a public contract, is not open to the participation of foreign entities and economic operators interested in participating in the electronic auction, scheduled for May 10th, cannot engage in corrupt, fraudulent practices restricted to competition.

Among the requirements, the public entity determines the lowest price as an award criterion and that competitors must present proof of ownership of the vehicles and ensure their immediate delivery or up to 20 days after the conclusion of the contract.

The auction will take place on the Ministry of Finance's Public Procurement Portal platform.


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