Diasala Jacinto André, general director of the Institute for Evaluation and Development of Education, highlighted some challenges facing education in the most remote areas of the country, during a meeting on the mobility of teachers and students that took place this Monday in Cuíto, Bié province.
School dropouts and abandonment, non-compliance with programs, fatigue and absenteeism are some of the consequences for students and teachers in accessing education, especially in rural areas.
The official indicated that an "Angolan student learns, in eight years of schooling, only three or four years", citing data from the World Bank and highlighting that there are objective factors that influence the quality of learning, including distances and the lack of transport.
"We have evidence of delayed learning, low levels of literacy and numeracy among our students in primary education and we are addressing these concerns within the framework of the Learning for All project, financed by the World Bank, which consists of providing teachers with pedagogical skills", he said, highlighting that the problems were worsened after the covid-19 pandemic.
The illiteracy rate in the country is close to 30 percent and it is estimated that around two million children are outside the education system in Angola.
According to the latest education statistical yearbook 2021/2022, 14,157 schools were operating in the country, of which 10,128 were public, and around 8.5 million students were enrolled, in a universe of more than 30 million inhabitants, in which 45 percent of population is under 15 years old.
Nelson Cacungula, municipal director of education in Cuíto, pointed out other problems that affect the educational process in rural areas, in addition to the distance between schools and villages, highlighting that in many cases children are part of agricultural activity, which is seen as a priority to the detriment of schooling.
The lack of efficient and accessible public transport, in a vast municipality with many schools located in remote areas, also increases travel time and costs for teachers, who do not always have the financial means to pay transport costs, which affects their attendance and quality of education, also noted the municipal director of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, Zeferino Cândido Tomás.
The population of Bié is estimated at 1.8 million inhabitants and around a third are primary and first cycle students.
The conference was organized by the Ufolo study center in partnership with the Ulwazi Foundation, the Ministry of Education and the provincial government of Cuíto, with the aim of discussing logistical and educational solutions for children living in remote communities.