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Internationalization of Angola Cables advances to DRC, Zambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Mozambique

The president of the Executive Board (PCE) of Angola Cables, Ângelo Gama, expressed that the company wants, in the near future, to move forward with the expansion of services on the African continent, with its sights set on the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.


Speaking at the 'Thematic Session Number 7' – held by the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, this Wednesday, under the theme "Angola Cables Strategic Internationalization Plan" – the PCE stated that, with regard to international communications in the country, the company has a 95 percent share, 70 percent of which in Africa and one percent outside the continent.

Thus, cited in a statement from the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, the person responsible said that one percent "of all Internet traffic in the world uses the Angola Cables network, as well as 70 percent of all Internet Africa passes through at least one Angola Cables Internet point".

According to him, the company is the most interconnected operator on the African continent, and from "a list of 100 operators, Angola Cables is the 32nd most interconnected African operator in the world".

The PCE also stated that the company's intention is to "position itself as a differentiated pan-African operator, capable of contributing to the achievement of the 8 – 80 initiative, which aims to ensure that communications in Africa do not need to leave the continent to be implemented". Furthermore, he added, also intends to "be the first operator to set up the first transatlantic infrastructure ring (submarine cables), that is, north Atlantic – south Atlantic".

Thus, he said that the countries Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Mozambique, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia are "in the crosshairs of the company's projects and presence", "both for its consolidation and for its expansion".

On that occasion, he also ended up recognizing the existence of some difficulties, however, he mentioned that the company is growing, highlighting the need to become a reference in the African market, as well as to establish itself at the level of the best.

Nuno Albino, Secretary of State for Social Communication, also spoke at the session, praising Angola Cables and highlighting that companies of this type raise the country's name, writes Angop.

In his intervention, according to the guardianship's note, he also provided "a general framework on the objectives of this interaction and information project", having mentioned that the thematic sessions are "a component of the Executive's National Institutional Communication Plan 2023 – 2027".

Along with the PCE and the Secretary of State, several media bodies, responsible for the ministry and Angola Cables, also attended the session, the note states.


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