Ver Angola


Jerson Emiliano among the trio of referees who will whistle the final of the African champions

Angolan referee Jerson Emiliano dos Santos will be 'whistling' the second hand of the African Football Clubs League final. The Angolan is one of the three referees chosen by CAF for the aforementioned game.

: Imparcial Press
Imparcial Press  

The aforementioned match will be played this Saturday between Al Ahly Sport Clube (Egypt) and Espérance Sportive de Túnis (Tunisia), after the first hand took place last Saturday, with the teams finishing the game in a 0-0 draw.

In this weekend's match, which is scheduled for 6pm at the Cairo International Stadium, the refereeing team, of which Emiliano dos Santos is a member, will be led by Jean-Jacques Ndala Ngambo, FIFA referee from the Democratic Republic, says the National Radio of Angola (RNA).

With this appointment, CAF once again gives its vote of confidence to the Angolan, who recently 'whistle' the final of the 34th edition of CAN, held in Côte d'Ivoire. On that occasion, according to RNA, the Angolan worked alongside Diana Chikotesha (Zambia), in a team led by Dahane Beida (Mauritania).


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