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Football: Saurimo has a ‘vote of confidence’ from the FAF to host the Angola Cup

Saurimo, a city in the province of Lunda Sul, is capable of hosting the Angolan Football Cup. Confidence was given by the Angolan Football Federation (FAF), with Jorge Mário Fernandes, president of the Central Council of Referees of the FAF, highlighting the sporting strengths of that province.

: Record

"We brought the Angola Cup here because, naturally, Lunda Sul is a sporting province at all levels", said the official, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

In this sense, he added that they brought the cup to the aforementioned province "because it is the merit" it has, having only "made happen" the request made by the provincial government to the federation.

"We brought the cup here because it is the merit that the province has and, so, we only made it happen following a request made to us through the provincial government of Lunda Sul (...)", he said.

According to RNA, the Angola Cup of this sport is scheduled for the 23rd of next month. This cup is the second biggest event on the national football agenda, after Girabola.

It should be noted that last year's edition of the Angola Cup in football was won by Petro de Luanda.


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