Ver Angola


Angola elected world capital of the family until next year

Angola is “world capital of the family” until 2025. The announcement was made by Deisi Kusztra, president of the World Family Organization, who explained that the country was elected, this Wednesday, for the first time, “world capital of the family”, until next year, having highlighted the fact that Angola shows a culture of peace and concern for the well-being of the family.


According to Angop, the information was provided by the person responsible at the 25th Session of the National Family Council, in reference to International Family Day, celebrated on 15 May, whose motto was "Investing in families and achieving development objectives sustainable".

The opening of the session was made by the Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa. Attended by Ana Dias Lourenço, First Lady of the Republic, as well as members of the executive, the session served to discuss various issues, such as the use of the demographic dividend for sustainable development, the promotion of gender parity in access and completion of education and family awareness about reproductive spacing, with a focus on the benefits for women's health.

Another new feature in the session was related to the "Family Trophies", which were awarded for the first time.

Among the winners is the name of Joana Lina, who was recognized for her efforts for the benefit of the family when she held the position of minister of that sector.

Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto, according to Angop, also received a trophy, as current Minister of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, and Rufina Ramos da Cruz is also on the list of honorees, as a social activist since the 16 years old, as well as a mentor on the rights to sexual and reproductive health of adolescents.

It should be noted that the National Family Council has an annual frequency, being held within the framework of International Family Day, whose institution on this date came from the United Nations General Assembly, aiming to highlight the relevance of the family in the construction of safe, harmonious and structured societies. In the country, this day has been celebrated since the Ministry of Family was created in 1997.

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