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José Andrade de Lemos is Angola's first ambassador to Timor-Leste

The President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, received this Thursday the letters of credentials from Angola's first ambassador to the country, José Andrade de Lemos, whose mission will be to give a new dynamic to cooperation relations.

: STL/Emerenciana Pinto
STL/Emerenciana Pinto  

José Andrade de Lemos is the first Angolan ambassador residing in Timor-Leste, but also the first from the African continent and the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP).

Speaking to journalists, after the delivery of letters of credentials and a meeting with José Ramos-Horta, ambassador José Andrade de Lemos said that "Angola, from this moment on, will be present" in Timor-Leste and expressed the intention to reinforce cooperation between the two countries.

Timor-Leste and Angola have signed several cooperation agreements, the last of which, in the areas of military assistance and oil, were signed in 2023 during the visit of the Timorese head of state to Luanda.

"The time has come to reinforce this dynamic and exchange between our two countries. Within the scope of these agreements, areas of common interest will now be found and the contribution that could give an 'upgrade' to the economy of both countries", highlighted the Angolan ambassador.

José Andrade de Lemos was previously Angola's ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain.

In a statement, the Timorese Presidency highlighted that the two countries are committed to "strengthening ties" of cooperation and that the appointment of the new ambassador will "elevate" relations between the two countries.

"Timor-Leste recognizes Angola's potential in the oil and gas sector. Cooperation between the two countries also extends to regional issues, including the South China Sea maritime dispute, where Timor-Leste supports peaceful resolutions through diplomacy ", the statement highlights.

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