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Administrative modernization will be a reality. Digital transition agenda approved soon

The country's digital transition agenda will be approved soon, according to the Minister of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic, Adão de Almeida.


The announcement was made during his speech, this Wednesday, at the 10th Conference on Digital Governance, organized by the e-Governance Academy, in Tartu, Estonia.

The digital transition agenda is a document guiding the administrative digitalization process that includes the training of human capital and the collective change of mentality.

In his intervention, the Minister of State highlighted Angola's predisposition to embark on the path of transforming public services, recognizing the importance of the digitalization process for the modernization of Public Administration and the challenges of simplifying, reducing bureaucracy and dematerializing public services to make them more accessible and efficient for all Angolan citizens.

On the occasion, Adão de Almeida witnessed the signing of an agreement on the basis of which the installation in Angola of a Digital Governance Academy is planned, aimed at training and empowering Angolan staff in matters of digital technologies.

The Memorandum of Understanding, initialed between the Institute of Administrative Modernization of Angola (IMA) and the e-Governance Academy of Estonia, joins other legal instruments supporting bilateral cooperation between the two countries, the highlight of which was the visit of the President of the Republic of Estonia, Alar Karis, to Angola in March.

In addition to the conference, as part of a four-day visit, Adão de Almeida participated on Tuesday in Talinn, capital of Estonia, at the Africa Business Forum, where leaders from several countries discussed opportunities in the African digital market and solutions for administrative modernization .

The Angolan mission to Estonia includes the secretary of the President of the Republic for State Reform, Pedro Fiete, the general director of the Institute for Administrative Modernization (IMA), Meick Afonso, the minister counselor at the Angolan Embassy in Poland, Martinho Codo, and staff from the Civil House of the President of the Republic and the Angolan Embassy in Poland.


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