The official justified the increase with the fact that "most people who use the Angolan Post Office" are those who practice e-commerce (selling and buying online).
"Every day the number of people who use platforms, such as Alibaba or Amazon, to buy products is greater, which has caused the movement in the post office to increase. Most people who used to travel to buy goods now use online avenues. In recent times even automobile accessories are bought," he clarified, in statements to Expansão.
According to the official, the list of the origin of Angolan purchases is led by Portugal. However, Brazil, Turkey and the United States also have a significant representation, being the countries from where perfumes, clothes and shoes arrive.
Francisco Van-Dúnem informed that the orders linked to the electronic world, such as cell phones, computers, appliances among others, arrive from Asian countries like China and Singapore. From India they arrive mainly hairpieces, he indicated.
As for purchases from Angola abroad, Portugal stands out again, being the main destination for online sales of products 'made in Angola'. Here the natural products stand out, such as caxinde tea and "bombó" manioc. The responsible explained that most of these sales are to Angolan emigrant buyers.
About the theft or disappearance of orders, the commercial director of the company, admitted that this is a risk one runs when ordering online outside the country.
He also admitted that the Angolan Post Office has received some complaints about the disappearance of products or that the packages arrive in the hands of customers with signs of violation, indicating that in these situations "if it is proven that the infringement is not the responsibility of the Angolan Post Office, who should return the product is the country of origin.