The position is set out in a resolution approved on Saturday at the 6th Congress of the SJA, to which Lusa news agency had access.
In the document, the SJA expresses its concern with "the way some public and private media organizations have been positioning themselves before political issues, assuming part, thus violating the professional ethics as well as the Constitution, which imposes equal and impartial treatment".
The Union also deplores the acts of censorship that are recorded in various media and recommends that journalists "invoke the clause of conscience when they are called to cover acts that violate the deontology, the ultimate reserve for the credibility of the profession.
The SJA decided to hold elections for the renewal of mandates within a maximum period of three months and not less than 45 days, an act that was scheduled for Saturday but did not take place due to time constraints resulting from the pandemic situation.
The change in union dues to one percent of SJA members' salaries and the outgoing board's activity and financial reports for the 2015 to 2019 fiscal year were also approved.