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ZAP sponsors FAF with 150 million kwanzas a year but federation says it's not enough

The television operator ZAP - considered the biggest supporter of Girabola - sponsors the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) with 150 million kwanzas per year. However, the FAF says this money is not enough to maintain the profitable management of the body.

: Artur Almeida, presidente da FAF
Artur Almeida, presidente da FAF  

Artur Almeida e Silva, president of FAF, complains that the economic situation of the federation has worsened and that the amount he receives annually is no longer enough to support the football season.

He explained, in statements to Angop, that after losing the sponsorship of Unitel and Sonangol, it has been increasingly difficult to keep the FAF standing.

However, Artur Almeida e Silva did not reveal what would be the ideal value to maintain the management of the FAF, recalling that when he took over the presidency of that body he faced a debt of about 10 million dollars.

The FAF still has outstanding salaries and debts to social security, BPC and ENSA, he added.

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