The child who tested positive resides in the Hoji-ya-Henda neighborhood, under a health fence, where “case 31” lives, a citizen of Guinea Conakry associated with several cases of local transmission.
According to the minister, the investigation within the family and other contacts is still ongoing.
Thus, Angola currently records 71 positive cases, of which four deaths, 49 active and stable cases and 18 recovered.
7580 samples were taken with a negative result, 71 positive and 701 samples in processing.
1092 people are quarantined.
Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already caused more than 346,000 deaths and infected more than 5.5 million people in 196 countries and territories.
The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December in Wuhan, a city in central China.
In Africa, there are 3478 confirmed deaths in more than 116,000 infected in 54 countries, according to the most recent statistics on the continent's pandemic.
Among African countries that have Portuguese as their official language, Guinea-Bissau leads in number of infections (1178 cases and seven deaths), followed by Equatorial Guinea (719 cases and seven deaths), Cape Verde (390 cases and four deaths) deaths), São Tomé and Príncipe (299 cases and 12 deaths) and Mozambique (209 cases and one dead.