According to Franco Mufinda, one of the new cases is that of a 25-year-old Guinean citizen from the neighborhood Hoji Ya Henda (Luanda) who is under a sanitary fence and where “case 31” resides, a trader from Guinea-Conakry who has returned from Portugal on the 17th of March.
The other relates to an Angolan citizen, also 25 years old, residing in the municipality of Kilamba Kiaxi, also in the capital.
Another recovered patient was registered, a Cuban technician who arrived in Luanda on April 10, integrated in a contingent of more than 200 specialists from that country.
Thus, Angola has 60 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, of which three deaths, 18 recovered and 39 hospitalized and clinically stable assets, accounting for 32 cases of local transmission
The institutional quarantine has accumulated 1077 people so far, nine of whom were discharged on the last day.
The country, where another 25 tons of biosafety materials arrived from China, has 849 suspected cases and 1194 are under surveillance.
Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 328,000 deaths and infected more than five million people in 196 countries and territories.