Ver Angola


Angola, Portugal and Mozambique will receive EU funds to protect the oceans

Angola, Portugal and Mozambique will receive funds from the European Union (EU) this year to protect the oceans, within the scope of sustainable fishing and the blue economy, it was announced today at the “Our Oceans” conference in Athens.


The total budget announced by the EU for ocean protection – 3.5 billion euros – will finance 40 action commitments for 2024, according to a statement from the community executive.

Portugal will receive an amount of up to 1.9 billion euros, which will also be shared with Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Poland in their recovery and resilience plans to support investments and reforms in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for the period 2020-2026 .

The sustainability of blue economies will be financed, in Portugal and Italy, with a budget of up to 130 million euros, also to be used in recovery and resilience plans to support investments in this aspect.

Another amount, 59 million euros, is destined for West African countries, 35 million euros for Mozambique, 30 million for Angola and ten million for Mauritania.

The “Our Ocean” conference is an international effort, launched in 2014 and organized annually by a different government, with the aim of promoting global ocean governance and actions to support marine conservation and sustainable development.

The initiative has since mobilized more than 2,160 authorizations worth around 130 billion dollars.

According to data from Brussels, oceans and seas cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface and are affected by global warming, unsustainable practices, illegal fishing, pollution and the loss of marine habitats.

The Conference on our Oceans aims to intensify collective efforts to address these issues. It brings together countries from around the world, civil society and industry to inspire joint solutions and deliver ambitious commitments to protect the oceans.

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