"This exhibition is a step towards better characterizing the post-revolution period in Angola and Portugal and, thus, understanding the emergence of narratives and historical memories about this period", said this Friday, in a statement, the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at the University of Coimbra (FCTUC).
With this initiative, entitled "Olhares do Sul", the Department of Life Sciences at FCTUC, in collaboration with the Embassy of Portugal in Luanda, hopes to "open new interpretative, dialoguing and integrative paths, in which citizenship, the future, the nation and memory will continue to be discussed".
"Olhares do Sul" is made up of 50 covers from six Angolan newspapers from that time: A Província de Angola, Diário de Luanda, Jornal de Angola, O Angolense, A Tribuna dos Musseques, O Comércio de Angola, published on April 25 from 1974 to April 25, 1975.
The curators and promoters of the exhibition, Helena Freitas (Center for Functional Ecology), Jorge Varanda (Center for Anthropology Research Network) and Ana Margarida Dias da Silva (Center for the History of Society and Culture), from FCTUC, will be present at the inauguration, at Camões - Centro Cultural Português, Avenida de Portugal, 50, in Luanda.
In 1974, in the week following April 25th, the representation in Luanda of the Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang) "decided to gather and send newspapers to file with the administration", in Lisbon, according to the note sent to the Lusa agency.
The objective of the decision, "referenced in a confidential communication with the headquarters, was to inform the way of feeling and interpretation of the Angolan press regarding the events correlated with the action of the Armed Forces that led to the establishment of the Junta de Salvação Nacional", in Portugal, presided over by General António de Spínola.
These newspapers are part of "a more comprehensive collection of press clippings", organized by Diamang's Public Relations Section over 60 years, from 1928 to 1988.
"The set of these clippings opens several windows on what was the experience of the post-revolution moment and allows us to better understand the impact and the immediate reaction", in the then colony of Angola, to the overthrow of the fascist dictatorship, in Portugal, led by the Women's Movement. Armed Forces (MFA).
"Olhares do Sul" displays replicas of 50 newspaper covers and will be on view at Camões until May 22nd, accompanying the DOCLUANDA Documentary Film Festival which takes place from May 16th.