Ver Angola


Mosaic pieces 'made in Angola' begin to be exported to South Africa

Mosaic pieces ‘made in Angola’ traveled across borders, reaching the South African market. Export, which is the responsibility of Sino-Ord, started last month.


The information was advanced by Vivaldo Ramos, responsible for the company. "Last month we started exporting to Durban, to South Africa. For us it is a new experience," he said, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

"For us a while ago it was almost unthinkable to export to a country like South Africa, but we had a shipment of six 20-foot containers that went to Durban. We had a visit here in Angola from some South African businessmen who had good acceptance of our product", added Vivaldo Ramos, quoted by RNA.

Regarding the raw material, the person in charge made it known that more than half is extracted in the country. "Part of the raw material is extracted in Bengo province. We are talking about 80/85 percent of national raw material is exploited here in Bengo province", said the official.

He also added that they dominate two mines, from where they extract the components for production, thus importing only around 20 percent of the raw material. "We dominate two mines, where we will actually take the clay, sand, the components for production. The other 20 percent is that we order to come from outside", he said, quoted by RNA.

According to RNA, Sino-Ord's industrial park – located in Barra do Dande and which is manufacturing pieces measuring 80 by 80 and 120, thus corresponding to the international trend – produces around 45 thousand square meters daily, of which of production relies on raw material obtained from the municipality of Nambuangongo (Bengo).


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