Ver Angola


Sino-Ord is looking for recycled paper suppliers

Recycled paper suppliers sought: The largest mosaic and tile factory in the country, Sino-Ord, is looking for companies to supply recycled paper, with a preference for companies located in Southern Africa.

: Angop

Alice Zhang, company manager, explained that the factory currently obtains the raw material for packaging materials from India and China. However, she argued that in geographical terms they are distant countries, with a preference for production in the country, with a view to reducing imports.

Speaking to Angop, Alice Zhang said that they were "looking for a supplier of cardboard in rolls, but now" they have decided to "install a production line for packaging raw material in Angola", so they are "now looking for recycled paper".

About the factory's production, the official made it known that this is the largest producer of mosaic and tile in the southern region of the continent.

Businessmen from Mauritania are the factory's main customers, who purchase products from Sino-Ord for resale. However, according to Angop, Sino-Ord will start exporting mosaics and tiles to countries such as Zambia, Namibia and South Africa.

The factory – which concerns a private company financed with funds from China – is located in the municipality of Barra do Dande (Bengo) and has around 2800 workers.

In addition, it is capable of producing 40 thousand square meters of mosaic and tile daily. However, daily capacity has halved due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the unit consists of two production lines, however, only one is in operation because of covid-19.

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