Ver Angola


Psychotechnical tests of the AGT entrance contest rescheduled for this month

A rescheduling of the implementation of the online psychotechnical tests of the public tender for admission to the General Tax Administration (AGT) was carried out. Initially scheduled for March 25th, the tests were rescheduled for April 22nd.


The basis for the postponement are reasons of a technical and operational nature, according to a statement made available to VerAngola.

"Having for technical and operational reasons, the carrying out of the online psychotechnical tests of the public tender for admission to the General Tax Administration (AGT), initially scheduled for the past March 25, 2023, was postponed", and "once passed the aforementioned conditions and having created the necessary technical and operational conditions for their successful implementation", the jury informs all candidates that the tests will take place "on the 22nd of April", says the statement.

With regard to timetables, the note states that the computer specialty test will take place at 10:00 am, the control and image treatment specialty will take place at 11:30 am while the customs and tax specialty will take place at 1:00 pm.

"Each candidate will receive the link and instructions on how to carry out the test by email, and must individually guarantee the conditions of computer access for this purpose", the statement also reads.

For more information, adds the note, candidates can contact the call center of the single recruiting entity, via the numbers 937 653 505, 937 653 106 and 937 653 375, via email or access the SEPE Portal (


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