Ver Angola


Angolan soldier killed after crossing border with DRCongo

An Angolan soldier was killed this weekend in the border area with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), local media reported, citing the interior minister of the Congolese province of Kasai.


The incident that resulted in the death of an Angolan soldier and caused injuries to a Congolese secret service officer happened on Sunday morning in Tshitundu, 150 kilometers south of Tshikapa, when Angolan soldiers entered Congolese territory, said the Minister of Interior and Security from Kasai province.

According to Deller Kawino's statements to the local media, "one of the soldiers started filming the outpost of the DRC forces, and when asked not to film, an Angolan soldier opened fire and wounded a Congolese agent."

In response, "Congolese soldiers fired and hit the Angolan soldier, who died," added the Congolese official, who also said that the governor of Lunda Norte province sent officials to Kasai during the afternoon to find out what happened.

Despite the incident, "the tone is one of appeasement," said Kasai Governor Dieudonné Pieme, explaining that the Angolan authorities asked for the soldier's body to be returned, which will be done after a written request acknowledging that the soldier had passed the border.

The Government of DRCongo regularly denounces the entry of Angolan soldiers into its territory, often claiming to be in pursuit of elements from the Liberation Front of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC).

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