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Suggestions Where to sleep?

Pululukwa Resort


Pululukwa Resort is located in Lubango, Huila province. The word 'Pululukwa' means "Rest the Body" and it was with this spirit that the resort was born.

Able to accommodate a total of 128 people, the resort is composed of 60 bungalows of different typologies (singles, doubles, VIP doubles, twins and family). These lodgings are located along the mountainside, and are divided into three distinct villages: Aldeia Muholo, Aldeia Zulo, and Aldeia Madeirense.

The bungalows are equipped with air-conditioning, television, and a safe, among other amenities. The resort also consists of a restaurant, a wine tasting facility, and a library.

You can learn more about Pululukwa Resort here.

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