Ver Angola


Dr. Agostinho Neto Memorial


The first stone was laid on September 17, 1982, but the war stopped the work. Three decades later, the Dr. Agostinho Neto Memorial stood, a living memory of the first Angolan President, symbol of the country's liberation.

There are 18 hectares. Museum, exhibition gallery, multipurpose rooms, library/video library, documentation center and shops. In the central block, the sarcophagus where the remains of the National Hero rest. The Memorial also has an avenue for parades of around 500 meters, with a grandstand area with two thousand seats and a park for 300 vehicles.

The project gave the building an architectural singularity unprecedented in Angola, highlighted by the two large naves, more than 60 meters long. In the center there is a tower around 120 meters high, in reference to the poem “A Caminho das Estrelas”, from the work “Sagrada Esperança”, and which can be seen from various points in the city of Luanda.

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