Ver Angola


Supermarcas, o primeiro progama angolano sobre marcas tem estreia marcada na TPA

It is scheduled for March 21, Saturday, the premiere of the television program ‘Supermarcas’, the first national program on the lives of brands. The purpose of this documentary magazine is to provide a more comprehensive view of how the world of brands works and what is its impact on the social and economic plan.


In a statement sent to VerAngola, TPA states that this was a program developed exclusively for the channel, in conjunction with Superbrands, a world reference organization in branding present in 89 countries and with 10 years of presence in the Angolan market.

The program will approach themes of the brands and "our daily lives as consumers", in an uncomplicated way, satisfying the curiosity of the viewers in relation to what is "behind the visible activity of the brands".

Weekly, during a 20-minute broadcast, 'Supermarcas' will have an interviewee - a face known to the Angolan public - making known the professionals who are in charge of the brands, stories and success stories. It is also intended to explore the "emotional and daily connections between consumers and brands".

Each episode will have a specific theme: National Brands, Socially Responsible Brands, Brands with History, Innovative Brands, Digital Brands, among others.

"Brands actively contribute to the competitiveness of the economy, to creativity and innovation. Their role goes far beyond commercial interests. This program is a means of extolling that dimension of their role in society and giving voice to their relevance, showing what makes them successful, exploring how they interact with society and particularly with the consumer ", said Pedro Diogo Vaz, senior partner of Superbrands Angola, in the statement.

The 'Supermarcas' will be broadcast on Saturdays, at 5 pm, on TPA1. Repeat on TPA2 on Sundays at 2:30 pm and on TPA International on Saturdays at 7:30 pm. It will also be available through the website of TPA and Superbrands, as well as on the YouTube channel of Superbrands Angola.

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