The official said that they had already prepared 50 million dollars to invest, but that if the government's policies were good the number could grow.
"We have already prepared 50 million dollars and we are now raising funds for this project. Everything will depend on the government's policies which, if they are good, we can increase our investment", he indicated, quoted by Angop.
Speaking at the end of a meeting with the governor of the province of Bengo, Maria Antónia Nelumba, the ORD PCA recalled that the Chinese company has already made an investment of 50 million dollars in Bengo. In this province, the company has an industrial park, located in Barra do Dande, made up of manufacturing units dedicated to the manufacture of mosaics, paper boxes, etc.
However, the company's interest in the province does not stop there. According to Lin Fanlian, the company has its eyes set on the production of clean energy. "We will analyze and carry out a survey to invest in this area in the future", said the person in charge, quoted by Angop.
Maria Antónia Nelumba announced that the provincial government will evaluate the investment proposal put forward by the Chinese company. Quoted by Angop, the person responsible wants the development of the project to be comprehensive, that is, alongside agricultural mechanization, small farmers are also included, aiming to ensure more jobs.