Ver Angola


National Bank of Angola places 300 million dollars on the market

The National Bank of Angola (BNA) announced that the National Treasury will make US$300 million (278 million euros) available to commercial banks on Wednesday. According to a note from the BNA, the amount will be available throughout the week, until it runs out, with currency sales being carried out through the Bloomberg Platform, in daily sessions.


To "mitigate possible operational constraints in the settlement of operations", commercial banks will be able to use the National Bank of Angola to the Liquidity Provision Facility (operation through which commercial operators turn to the central bank to obtain credit to finance their activities) 'intraday' (trading that takes place during a single day).

Banks may also resort to the Liquidity Provision Facility upon maturity of seven days, as long as they have Open Market Operations with the BNA maturing within that period.

Open Market Operations allow the central bank to buy or sell public debt securities to commercial banks.

Last week, the BNA governor said that the availability of foreign currency increased, in January, from 600 million to 836 million dollars, but estimated that the supply will remain, in the coming months, at around 600 million dollars.


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